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Friday, September 20, 2024

Earthquakes & The New Madrid Fault

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Earthquakes & The New Madrid Fault

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An 8 page research paper that examines the most dangerous geological feature of the North American heartland. While most Americans think of California whenever the topic of earthquakes comes up, the residents of New Madrid, Missouri suffered through the worst series of quakes in the known history of North America during an eight-week period in the winter of 1811 to 1812. The three principal shocks have been determined to have had a magnitude of 8.0 or higher. Additionally, ten of the aftershocks reached or exceeded a magnitude of 6.0, and at least three may have reached 7.0. Scientists now believe that eyewitness stories of the Mississippi flowing backward, and waterfalls on the Mississippi are true. The writer discusses what is now known about what happened during this dramatic eight-week period. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Pages: 8
Paper Title: Earthquakes & The New Madrid Fault
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